Learning Outcome #2

The way I used sources in my writing was with quotations and the ideas from the articles. We would write journals after reading the articles and then talk about the articles in class. In the journals I would talk about what the articles were about and if I agreed, disagreed or both with what the articles were talking about. I would talk about how they made me feel and what ideas they made me think about. Sometimes I would bring up what the articles were talking about to my friends to get another point of view. I would voice my point of view and then tell them how I felt about the article and finally listen to their point of view. When writing the essay, I would use parts of the article to help improve my essay. Quoting the author was one of the best ways to get the point across. I would introduce the quote, put the quote in my writing and then explain why the quote was important to my paper. One thing that improved in my writing was explaining the quote. When using a quote my paper I make sure it relates to the whole idea of the paper and it helps get my point across. 

In my last two essays I used Barclay’s formula for working with multiple sources in a paragraph. This method allowed me to put more than one point of view in the body paragraphs and compare or contrast two articles. With this method, I would have to pick quotes and examples that were similar or different from each other. In my second essay I found comparable quotes from two different classmates’ food for thought essays. I started explaining that the two classmates had the same main idea then introduce the first quote and explain it. Next I would transition into the second quote and then introduce the second quote from the other classmates’ essay and explain it. Finally I would explain the relationship between the two quotes.  
